Strong connection to nature and traditions

Welcome to explore the wisdom cultures around Lake Pielinen of North Karelia, Finland!

Pielisen Tietäjäkeskus is a non-profit cultural association established in November 2020 in Finland.

The name of the association derives from two words:

  • Pielinen” is a huge sacred lake in North Karelia, surrounded by multiple of nature’s sacred sites, such as the magnificent mountain of Koli, the national landscape of Finland.

  • Tietäjäkeskus” comes from two words: “Tietäjä” is “the one-who-knows”, a concept similar to that of the shaman. “Keskus” means “center”, and keeps us connected to the property that we would like to acquire for our work and community.

We hope to bring people, creativity, and practical ideas together for the purpose of nature connection and cultural heritage. By Lake Pielinen, we are in our ancestral lands, where the great wisdom carriers and people have lived in close connection with all the seen and invisible realms of nature. 

Welcome to join or support our association, and connect with our circles!

Pielisen Tietäjäkeskus association is in continuum of Karelian and Finnish wisdom culture and shamanic traditions. The association cherishes modern manifestations of the tradition, deep nature connection, and operates with societal influence.


Our purpose

Sanctuary of wisdom and tradition

The purpose of Pielisen Tietäjäkeskus is to promote the continuum of wisdom and shamanic tradition of Finland. We cherish the contemporary manifestations of traditions with deep nature connections. Pielisen Tietäjäkeskus gathers together, lives, revives, and promotes the unique wisdom traditions of Karelian culture. We follow the annual cycles and natural phenomenon, respect folk healing, folk poetry, and food-, handicraft-, and building traditions.

The goal of the association is to have a physical property within the Lake Pielinen region. The center enables a sanctuary where we can step in mythical time and space, in the circle of sacredness and art. We are currently starting to fundraise for this purpose, and your help is welcome to make this incredible sanctuary happen! 

In reciprocity with nature

Pielisen Tietäjäkeskus sees that the source of wisdom is in deep and reciprocal relationship with nature. The association cherishes the diversity of nature and the equality of species. We guide towards a natural way of life, and living by the terms of nature.

The goal is to revive the forgotten parts of the tradition; remembering, updating, and living by them in modern society. Our work is based both on scientific research and wisdom of folklore. We live the Northern traditions, which are in essence of the Karelian, Finnish, Baltic Sea Finn and Finno-Ugric cultural heritage.

We celebrate annual cycles and mythologies, create ceremonies and rituals. The purpose of the association is to support creative new methods for expressing the wisdom tradition. The goal is to integrate the wisdom and shamanic traditions as a coherent part of societal conversation and the whole society.

Pielisen Tietäjäkeskus promotes the knowledge of folk healing, research, co-operation, folk medicinal wisdom, and natural healing methods. Association lifts up old sauna tradition and its healing qualities.

The association gathers together folk and shamanic artists and creates opportunities for networking via cultural and artistic events.

We take part also in the dialogue with the travel industry of North Karelia. Our region has a unique position as a power place of wisdom tradition of Finland. Our history, traditions, and wisdom heritage is incredible in its vastness and beauty. All the work is to be done in honoring the sacred places of nature and local culture. The ancient residential areas of our ancestors, gathering places, and walking routes are essential for the association's operation.

Pielisen Tietäjäkeskus does international and Nordic co-operation. The center creates links to native cultures, promotes networking and organizes international projects.

The association brings people together who share the same interests towards wisdom: Shamanic roots, Karelian culture and mythology, sacred powers of nature, natural ways of life and importance of community. The association contributes empowerment and wellbeing from the cultural roots and nature for its members and everyone who participate in the action.

Are you called to learn more about our ancestral traditions of Lake Pielinen region? Would you like to support our work?
Do you want to go for a journey to the magical world of mystery and nature?


Join and support


By becoming a member you get to participate in developing and supporting Pielisen Tietäjäkeskus. Our association offers you a community and base where to network and come together.

As a member you get discount for activities organized by the association. 

The membership fee in 2023:

25 EUR / regular member or 12 EUR  / students, unemployed, retired, and persons with low income.

We have transferred the member register to the Membook platform to facilitate the member register better and help with more simple way of communication. Your data is still safe! Only the administrator (association secretary) has access to member information. The invoice for the membership fee will be paid through Membook.

Become a member by registering via the button below. It is easy!

If you are not able to register trough the button, you can send us email

Support membership / sponsorship:

Do you want to see Pielisen Tietäjäkeskus growing even faster? Join as a support member and sponsor our action with the amount you like. As a support member you get the same benefits as members and also loads of gratitude!

 Payment information
for support membership or sponsorship

The payment is done by a bank transfer to Pielisen Tietäjäkeskus bank account. Please use the correct reference number when paying. Send a copy of the receipt to our email and add the following details to your message: Name, address, phone number.

Pielisen Tietäjäkeskus ry
FI36 5770 0520 5351 44

Reference numbers
Support member: 1012

We hope to add a link to PayPal here soonest. 

Thank you for your interest and for your support! <3

 Contact information

You can contact us best by e-mail:

Welcome to join our Facebook-page here